Disney’s Creativity Strategy

Do you struggle to produce original ideas or innovate in your small business?

Walt Disney is well known for the creativity he brought to storytelling and animation – “If you can dream it, you can do it.” But how did he and his studio capture such creativity?

In his book, “Strategies of Genius: volume one”, Robert Dilts examines the thinking strategies of four famous people including Walt Disney. This article reviews what has become known as ‘Disney’s Creativity Strategy’ and looks at how it can be applied to your small business.

Disney’s Creativity Strategy

Walt Disney had three chairs in his office that were never […]

Innovation in Small Business Development

If you want new creative ideas for your small business development then ‘SCAMPER’ is a technique that can help you. ‘SCAMPER’ is a framework of questions that you can use when brainstorming that helps encourage creativity and new ideas.

Scamper Small Business Innovation

‘SCAMPER’ is an acronym that stands for:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Magnify (or Minimize)
  • Put to another use
  • Eliminate
  • Rearrange (or Reverse)


What part of the product or service could be substituted or replaced for something else?


Can two or more of your products or services be sold together?


Can you change the product or service to better meet customer needs?

Magnify (or […]

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